Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So, did my going to Haiti make a difference?  The medications and clothing brought a little short term relief.  As for as helping anyone long term, not so much but possibilities do exist.

Do I see opportunities to help create a job or make someone’s life better?  Maybe.  Lynn’s Orphanage School will need more teachers as it grows to serve more children.  The tricky part is what will these children do for jobs after they are educated.

The little import-export thing with Herberle and Patrick could work but will not be easy.

Perhaps the best thing I can do is just tell as many people as I can about what I saw and ask smart people like those that need this to help me figure some of this out.  I welcome your comments.

Did it change me?  Well, I’m pretty sure it did but I’ll let my friends, employees and family be the final judge of that.

-Jerry Shelly

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